Friday, December 16, 2011

Torn-up by Grizzly Peak

So a friend of mine mentioned that there was a trip going up Grizzly Peak via the standard route. He knew this was on my short list for winter ascents, so despite his warnings about the groups fitness level...I signed up for the trip.

I arrived at the approved meeting place, the four of us piled into one of our cars and made our way to Loveland Pass. It was a beautiful morning, and the sun had barely begun to peak over the ridgeline. I have gone hiking up in this area numerous times with no trouble, however the other three members of our hiking party were practically running up the slope!

Grizzly Peak from Loveland Pass.

They stopped maybe twice the entire trip to drink water/eat... I usually make regular stops so that I am able to stay hydrated and nourish my body. When I am out hiking, I've realized that my body just burns through calories, and I need to continually eat in order to keep my energy up! I decided not to let that ruin my trip however, I made an attempt to keep them in sight.

Once we climbed the first incline we headed towards an area called "Cupid"13,117ft, a small hump between Loveland Pass and the epic lines of Grizzly Peak. The long ridge line had the beginnings of a lovely cornice!
Right- Grizzly, Left Torreys and Greys.
Then we continued down over the side of "Cupid", over the jagged ridge line, to the final push up the ridge. The final ridge, was very steep, and I was already having problems with the altitude-- my mountaineering axe was a necessity. I was worried I wouldn't make it to the summit, however once of the trip leaders encouraged me. I slowly, but steadily made my way up the sharp ridge, to the summit.

The view was amazing on all sides, and Torreys and Greys felt so close!!
Torreys and Greys from the summit of Grizzly Peak.

I made it!!! Grizzly Peak 13,427 ft.

I was able to make the summit, however upon descent, I ended up having altitude sickness- slightly dizzy, nauseous, and unable to catch my breath. Granted it wasn't severe altitude issues- but it certainly made it difficult for me to complete the trek back to the car.

I've learned that drinking water is imperative, and so is eating. I also realized that I need to train a lot more before I go hiking with the likes of those guys again...but more training couldn't hurt. So that is my mission.

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