Sunday, February 5, 2012

Another Snow-thwarted attempt at Sky Pond.

Leading my first hike was a nerve wracking adventure, We all met at the CMC around 6:30am, and drove to Boulder to retrieve another member of our party, before continuing on to Rocky Mountain National Park.

The previous week I had gone up to RMNP and scouted the trip with a friend of mine, however within a week, there was approximately 3 feet of new snow up on the trail, so It had certainly changed.

We began hiking around 8, and lost our trail around 10, and wandered around in the woods, unknowingly 20 feet from the trail. At one point, I had taken a step into the snow and sunk up to my chest. Now for those of you who don't know me, I'm not short...5'8" to be precise. I had to get some help from the members of the group, in order to climb my way out of the 4' high snow.

Around 11, we found the trail and made our way up to the Loch, and ate lunch. It was amazingly sunny, and there was 2' of powder on the lake, the scenery made it a perfect afternoon! The hike back was rather uneventful, however it was certainly an experience! Everyone made it back to Golden, Co.  safely!

Head trip leader, and me!

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