Friday, December 30, 2011

Debacle on Beaver Brook Trail!

My friend Tiffany and I decided to hike the Beaver Brook Trail, one way. That meant placing one car at either end of the trail. The trail is fabled to have anywhere between 7 and 12 miles, however mostly I saw 8.9 miles in the trail guides. I didn't exactly tell Tiffany it was that long... Not until we were about two miles in... She had a feeling I had fibbed.

Either way the weather was amazing, 55 degrees and sunny! There wasn't enough snow to warrant snowshoes., so we wore traction devices. We brought both of our dogs, and let them run free, there was no one on the trail all day, just the four of us!

Looking northwest from the trail.
Interesting snow formation 6 miles down the trail.

I was given the chance to check out my new Soto micro regulator stove, which was amazing!!

Somewhere near mile six there was split in the trail, and we made the unwise decision of taking the most traveled trail... Which was the wrong one... We ended up one highway exit up from where we left the other car, which would have been an additional 3.6 miles... Making the 8 mile trip almost 12. Tiffany called a friend to come pick us up and drive us to the second car.

A lonely elk in the midst of a heard of Bison , looking for his friends. 

I should have come prepared with a trail map, which I usually would... I felt like a dope! However i've learned my lesson...

Afterwards we drown our stupidity next to a roaring fire, with a nice pint, at Golden City Brewing.


  1. Sounds like a fun trip. When do we get to read the new years day report? Also, where can I follow the blog? Is there a button somewhere?

  2. Hi Marc!

    Just so you know, it is on the right side of the screen under "followers", you need to make an account, however it is just your email address and a password!

